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    Boost productivity, achieve work-life balance: 6 tips for working from home

    July 2, 2024

    By Barbara Hooks | Employee Engagement Champion | KellyConnect

    Let’s face it: even though working from home has become more common in recent years, there’s still a learning curve. Whether you’re a customer support agent new to remote work, or just need fresh ideas to find the right mindset to be more productive—the following tips can help you perform better and feel more confident and content while working from home.

    Six tips for contact center agents working from home

     1.  Choose the optimal workspace for your comfort and success.

    When selecting a workspace, ask yourself two questions:

    • Can I be successful working in this space?
    • Does this work environment meet my employer's requirements for success?

    Customer support agents often need to go beyond comfort when selecting a workspace. In addition to choosing a positive and comfortable environment, agents may need to ensure the workspace meets their employer’s requirements for success.


    Prioritize your comfort and wellbeing.


    First, pick a quiet space where you can have conversations with customers without interruptions. This will reduce stress and allow you to provide a higher level of customer support.


    Next, determine whether your workspace is designed with your physical comfort in mind. Choose a seat that supports your posture. You may also consider investing in an ergonomic mouse, keyboard, and footrest. Follow all your company’s security guidelines for having a safe and secure workspace.

    Be mindful of your employer’s requirements for working from home.

    While comfort is essential, some remote customer support agents may need to choose a workspace that meets their employer’s requirements for providing the level of support that their customers expect.


    For example, consider a healthcare provider that hires agents to provide long-term patient support. The employer may require customer support agents to choose a workspace with a door that can be closed during business hours to eliminate disruptions during sensitive conversations with patients.

     2.     Ask questions and advocate for yourself.

    Even seasoned customer support agents need time to adjust to working from home. From new systems, to software, to processes, it may take time to learn the ropes. Don’t get discouraged. Instead, advocate for yourself, speak up, and ask for help.

    Ask your leader and peers for tips and help when you need it.

    Your team leader wants you to be successful and will be happy to provide you with tips and advice. Ask questions in a proactive, positive way to prompt your supervisor to provide the direction you need. For example, if you are unsure how to use a software program, ask them to demonstrate the most efficient way to use the program in a remote environment.


    In addition to your team leader, reach out to your teammates. They will have a treasure trove of tips and information for what works (and doesn’t) for them.

    3.   Follow online security protocols for remote work.

    Cyberattacks are a constant source of concern for organizations. For customer support, threats like remote access could mean leaking confidential details of customers or the organization.

    Be cautious when clicking links and use a secure connection.

    Consider some of the other security practices you should be mindful of when working from home:

    • Watch out for malicious emails. Never click on a link or download an attachment from an unfamiliar sender without checking for possible phishing.
    • Make sure you are connected securely via the approved.
    • Perform all required device updates in a timely.
    Use secure passwords for your work login (containing more than 10 upper and lowercase characters, numbers, and symbols).

    4.   Take breaks and move around.

    It can be far too easy for customer support agents to forget to take a break (or even a lunch break) when working from home. Neither of these practices are healthy, and you’ll quickly find yourself getting burnt out.


    Set an alarm.


    A simple solution is to set an alarm on your phone to remind yourself to take your approved break and lunch on time. Aim to get up from your desk for at least five minutes every hour. A change of scenery can boost your productivity and help maintain a positive, focused mindset.


    5.   Advocate for yourself through feedback.

    KellyConnect provides many opportunities to send us feedback: use your voice! We send out two employee satisfaction surveys per year, quarterly “Chatter Matters,” and a suggestion box that is always open. Are there any aspects of your job that make working from home more challenging? What can be done to fix the issue? We want to hear from you!

    6.   Make the most of social opportunities.

    Online gatherings and internal communication platforms.

    When possible, make the most of social opportunities that your employer provides. For instance, join virtual social gatherings or engage with internal communications. These are great ways to network and build meaningful relationships and taking the time to get to know your teammates can help you feel more connected, while making any teamwork activities in the future feel easier and more natural.

    Customer support agents: the right mindset for success when working from home

    Working from home is an adjustment. It’s not unreasonable to feel uncertain about how to position yourself for success. Following these six tips can help you get acclimated to a new remote role or update your mindset in an existing one.

    1. Choose a workspace that is quiet with minimal distractions. Choose ergonomical office equipment, when possible, to ensure physical comfort. When required, ensure your workspace meets your employer’s expectations.
    2. Ask questions and advocate for yourself when you need help using systems or incorporating new processes. Prompt your supervisor or team lead to provide constructive direction.
    3. Follow security protocols to reduce the risk of cyberattacks.
    4. Set an alarm to take breaks and move around throughout the day. A change of scenery can boost productivity and help maintain a positive mindset.
    5. Advocate for yourself by sending feedback regarding your experience.
    6.  Make the most of social opportunities. Working from home doesn’t mean you are left out of the company culture.

    Never be afraid to ask for guidance when you’re stuck. Above all, keep control of your work–life balance to avoid burnout. Embrace working from home and enjoy all the possibilities and perks of remote work.



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